

The Making of the New Testament

In April the adult Sunday school class spent one Sunday talking about the New Testament as part of the From Jesus to Constantine study.  With this short taste of how the New Testament was formed, the decision was made to begin an in-depth study of the New Testament as soon as the current study was finished.

            On June 11th the class began this study.  We will talk about the literature of early Christians, examine each of the Gospel writers and his writing;  take a look at writings that were used at the time but not included in the final canon; spend several Sundays with the writings of Paul and of those who imitated Paul; do the Book of Revelation; and end the course with a discussion of how much of the original New Testament we have.

            The class begins at 9:15 in the Chapel each Sunday; however, coffee and conversation begin at 9:00.  A written outline is provided each week both to assist with discussion and to make it possible to be absent some weeks and still keep up with the study. All are welcome.  Come and join us as we learn more about the Making of the New Testament.


Organ and Choir Concert

On Sunday, May 22 at 4:00 p.m., an outstanding organ and choir program will be presented at First Presbyterian Church of Niles.  The guest organist will be Dr. Sharon Simons Hettinger of Lawrence, Kansas, who is originally from Niles.  Walter Ginter will conduct the choir accompanied by Sarai St. Clair at the organ.  Also featured will be Carol Bosler, flutist. The public is cordially invited.



Pandamania VBS

Pandamania VBS  

Together with Wesley United Methodist Church, over 30 kids and lots of adults took part in VBS Pandamania! There were forest creatures, Jesus backpacks, crafts, songs, and of course, the surprise in the belly of the

Summer Choir

The choir will sing in services on August 3, 10 and 17. Rehearsals will begin on August 3 at 10:00 am in the choir room.  This is a great opportunity for those who can't commit to long term choir membership.  If you would like to join us during the summer, you are welcome to attend practices and help lead worship from the choir loft.


REAP Wants You!

REAP has been doing mission sewing, knitting, and crocheting for many years.  We have several members that come to meetings and we have a few members that work at home and then bring their items in to be distributed to our clients.  We want our membership to grow and are inviting you to come to be a part of our group.  No matter how experienced you are in any of the crafts, we would love to have you join us.  We all learn new skills from each other to add to our bag of tricks.

We meet in the first room (south) in the upstairs Sunday School hallway.  For the summer we are going to try some new meeting times.  They are as follows:  June 20th from 9am - 12pm; July 7th from 12:30pm - 3:30pm; July 18th from 9am - 12pm; August 4th from 12:30pm - 3:30pm; and August 15th from 9am - 12pm.  You don't have to attend all the meetings or stay for the whole time, just whatever fits into your schedule.  We have a great time and would love to have you join us.  See you in June!!!!