
Waffle Breakfast

Waffle Breakfast

Waffle Breakfast (10)

The kids pitched in with everything from unpacking to cooking to serving to cleaning up for a highly successful waffle breakfast. Waffles and sausage were served with all the fixin's and juice and coffee. This youth fundraiser was to help finance the van rental for the Youth Mission trip this year. They earned ALMOST enough... Any further donations are still welcome! Contact Arlene Richardson.

Bridge Night

Bridge night


Quartet for Pentecost

June 12 is Pentecost. Our own quartet will be singing under the direction of Tom Andrews, our new interim organist/choir director. (Traditional worship service 10:00 am Sunday)


Welcome To Our Interim Organist

Tom Andrews

Tom is from Fort Collins, Colorado. He graduated from Colorado State University in 2009 with a Bachelor’s in Organ Performance and German and studied organ with Dr. Joel Bacon.  In 2011, Tom graduated from the University of Norte Dame with a Masters in Sacred Music and studied organ with Craig Cramer.  He has been an organist at various Northern Colorado churches, an interim choir director of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Fort Collins, Colorado, was a graduate assistant to the Notre Dame Liturgical choir under the leadership of Andrew McShane and the late Gail Walton while in the MSM program, and sang in the Notre Dame Liturgical Choir and Notre Dame Basilica Schola.  Be sure to say hello to Tom and welcome him to our church. 


Jason's Farewell

Jason's Farewell (4)

We had a special worship service celebrating God's glory in music and giving thanks for the time Jason and Heather have spent with us, sharing their gifts, talents, and friendship. We will miss them both!