
New Presbyterian Preschool Staffing

We will miss Mrs. Phillips.  She can now be found at Howard School.  She has taken a full time position as the secretary there. We welcome Miss Jessica Pears who will be working with Mrs. Timm this year as assistant teacher.  She is a graduate of Western Michigan University.  During her time there she majored in Elementary Education.  Upon graduation, Ms. Pears obtained a position teaching Pre-K students and later went on to work as a Title 1 Teacher with Kindergartners.  Ms. Pears enjoys working with the Niles Philanthropic Sorority, Psi Iota Xi. She participates in many community events around the Michiana area and volunteers at the Niles Public Library.  Ms. Pears grew up in Niles, but recently moved to Granger.  She now spends time gardening and renovating at her new home. We hope church members will give her a warm reception.  Stop by and introduce yourselves.  We are hopeful she will be a staff member at church for many years to come.  This year should be a mix of existing curriculum and new ideas to create an even better preschool than ever.  We have a program to be proud of and want it to continue to serve our community well.


Mini-golf and Dairy Queen


Mini-golf (4)

It was a beautiful day for mini-golf. The youth conserved their energy and practiced their green techniques. Of course, the bucolic setting included the requisite statuary. The day included a trip to Dairy Queen for ice cream.


Disc-golf with the Youth

Disc-golf with the Youth (8)

It's not golf, it's not Frisbee, it's not... Well, it IS disc-golf. The youth honed their accuracy in throwing a Frisbee by aiming towards the chain baskets. It's fun, and requires some skill to hear that satisfying clink of the chains on the basket.

The Big Mission Trip

Youth Mission Trip

Youth Mission Trip (15)

This year's youth mission trip was to Cairo, Illinois, to help patch up and paint one of the run-down houses in town. The youth also spent time with the neighborhood kids, learning the finer points of jump rope, and engaging in playground games and some crafts. It was HOT! Everyone cooled down by playing in the fire hydrant spray.

You can help make the 2011 God Rock Concert a success!

You can help make the 2011 God Rock Concert a success!

  • make a donation
  • buy a t-shirt
  • hand out fliers
  • invite friends and neighbors
  • donate baked goods
  • work at the event
  • pray for all those involved with the event and for God to impact the people in attendance
  • AND...

JOIN US at the concert - Saturday, August 27 from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. on the front lawn of our church!  The FREE concert will feature the band More Than Sunday and will also include games, prizes and surprises for kids and adults.  There will be FREE hot dogs and you may purchase drinks, baked goods and other yummy treats that will be available for sale.  A limited number of event t-shirts will also be on sale.

Bring a chair and relax...Visit with friends...Play some games...Eat some food...Enjoy the music...

Make plans now to attend the second-annual God Rock concert to sing praises to our Lord as we spend time with one another and welcome friends and neighbors from the community. 

See you there!

Contact Stephanie Layman at (269) 684-2203 or for more information.